Probably my most expendable units in terms of population points as I just have 5 to match up with the 5 succubi, healers, and frontline. If your mana gets a bit too low then remove heroes from the torture machines (or kick the succubi out and lock the door) and make sure to keep a gobbler farm and mana bath near the mana room.ĥ Liches-Out of all the undead they seem the most useful with their AoE freezing attacks, and because I need something to run the mystificator(s). However they can get caught up in their torture and their needs to a point where mana gets ignored. First they don't clash with my undead of choice in damage type like the imps, and second they can use the torture chamber and bring converted heroes to the fight. Try to keep a 1:1 ration of nagas to other horde units if you use more or less just so all of them can be healed consistently.ĥ Succubi-My demon of choice for two reasons. Feel free to trade a couple succubi and/or liches for a stronger frontline if needed.ĥ Nagas-They'll make the bots and orcs last a lot longer in fights to deal their damage.
low ranking heroes too close to the frontline will get blown to pieces without needing focus thanks to these guys.Ģ Ironhides-They help keep focus off of the gob-o-bots in melee range a bit. My Standard Arm圓 Gob-o-bots-Most of my damage comes from these guys.